Fulbourn Windmill

Bringing our mill back to life
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This website is being updated to reflect the ongoing mill restoration project


  • August Open Day - different day

    Hi all, unfortunately again we don’t have enough volunteers for the 1st Saturday of August, but we do for Satuday 17th so we’ll be open from around 10am until about 4-4.30pm.

    Come and let us show you round. Or, feel free to lend a hand.

    This picture was taken on a July evening in the lovely sunshine.

  • July Open Day

    Hi all, we do have enough volunteers for this Saturday, so we’ll be open from around 10am until about 4pm.

    Come and let us show you round. Or, feel free to lend a hand.

    This photo was apparently taken circa 1910 and comes from a small set of archive photos we have. It’s a little bit difficult to see but the gallery is missing. Same as now! We’re currently working on this, making the parts at ground level and when they’re all ready we’ll lift them up and assemble them.

  • Unscheduled opening

    Hi all, unfortunately we didn’t have enough volunteers to open last Saturday, but we do for this Saturday, 8th June. So, come and have a look round the windmill this Saturday between 10 and 5pm.

    If you’d like to help, you’ll be very welcome! Come along on Saturday and let us know!

    PS Thanks to Prue for the photo!

  • We're open Saturday 11th for the National Mills Weekend

    After a long winter break, we’re going to be open Saturday 11th for the National Mills Weekend. Come and look round the mill between 10am and 5pm, we planning to serve teas, coffees and cakes! See you there!

  • February open day and working party delayed due to weather

    Given the weather forecast for more snow today and Friday, we’re postponing Saturday’s working party and open day. I’ll post an update as soon as we’ve got a new date. In the meantime, here’s a photo of the mill today taken yesterday by Prue.

  • Storm Eleanor causes damage next to the Fulbourn Windmill

    Storm Eleanor battered Fulbourn on 2nd and 3rd January 2018. Luckily, though a lorry strap helping to hold the sails in place snapped, the main brake held and sails weren’t able to turn fully in the wind.

    See coverage, photos and video from the Cambridge News.

  • Sails turned by the wind!

    On 8th September, we had the sails turnied by the wind for the first time in a very long time. There’s still loads to do, in particular we have to make sure that the cap can turn easily, currently it’s out of alignment and really stiff, so we can’t let the wind turn the sails into the wind (yet). read more

  • The sails are up and the fan tail is complete!

    A major milestone in the restoration of the mill has been reached with the completion of the new fantail.  With many thanks to all the hard work by Paul Kemp, our millwright, the mill is now looking much more like it did when it was fully working!  read more

  • National Mills Weekend: 14th and 15th May

    It’s National Mills Weekend on 14th and 15th May. Windmills all over the country will be open, for more details see National Mills Weekend. Fulbourn mill will be open on Saturday from 10am onwards. Do come and see round. read more

  • No open day Saturday 6th March

    Unfortunately there won’t be an open day or working party on Saturday 6th March. We were really hoping to dismantle the second set of sails in preparation for a crane coming in to lift them into position, but unfortunately, the weather forecast for both tomorrow (Saturday) and Wednesday when we were hoping to lift them is pretty horrible. read more

  • Time to tidy up!

    This was the first working party of 2016. Since last time, all the gear for the fantail had been lifted up into position and the tent which had housed the sails as they were built was taken down ready for Paul to use on his next mill. read more

  • Too much wind

    December’s working party was hampered ironically enough by too much wind. Our main aim was to lift some of the heavy gear back up to the top of the windmill, but this had to be done on the outside of the mill, we could winch it up inside as it was too big and there were too many obstructions. Unfortunately, storm “Desmond” meant that it was just too windy to do this safely. read more

  • Painting in the rain

    This month, the weather wasn’t so good and we didn’t get so far. But there’s always painting to be done! read more

  • Fanstage setback

    This month we were lucky enough to have three new volunteers: Tony, Richard and Neil. Thanks so much guys for coming along and helping! We all enjoyed being side-tracked by Tony’s new guide dog puppy. (If you fancy helping, just let us know.) read more

  • Assembling sails 3 and 4

    I’m afraid this description of our September working party is a bit late! read more

  • The new fantail takes shape

    All of the parts for the fantail are assembled on the ground so we can check that they all fit and everything’s going well. read more

  • August Working Party

    The second set of sails is coming on well. Paul has been fitting the stays into the angled holes. Each hole is at a slightly different angle. read more

  • Arial Photo!

    Neil, one of our volunteer, was able to use a “drone” to take this stunning photo of the windmill. Thanks Neil!! read more

  • July Working Party

    Quite a bit has been done since my last working party report. This month, work concentrated on preparing the second whip to make it ready to join its partner. read more

  • £850 grant towards the new fantail!

    As you can see from the photo taken on the Sail Day, our fantail is in need of quite a bit of tender, loving care and this money will help significantly. read more

  • A cold February working party

    Today’s working party was mostly based indoors due to the cold! The main job was to attach the worm onto the fan shaft so that it can be connected to the upright shaft. The fan stocks will then fit onto this fan shaft and the fan blades will fit onto the stocks. read more

  • The sail lifting day in 81 seconds

    Alex Farquhar has taken the photos from the sail lifting on 30th Sept 2014 and turned a long and hard 11 hours or so into a 1 minute 21 second video!  read more

  • Sail Lift!

    On Tuesday we have a crane arriving at 9am to lift off the old sails and the fantail so that they can be repaired, and then lift on the new sails which we’ve been repairing over the last many months. All in all a very important (and probably very long) day. (Photos to follow after the event.) read more

  • New Facebook Page

    Fulbourn Windmill now has it’s own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/fulbournwindmill. Pllease come and Like us there and share the page with your friends. read more

  • June Working Party

    At one point, with thunder, lightning and heavy rain, we thought we wouldn’t get much done, but fortunately brewing the kettle and making tea did the trick and the weather cleared up. There was a sense of real achievement today as we managed to add both clamps and both sails. For the first time, we could see the whole 64ft assembly. There’s still lots to do, but hopefully in July or August we’ll be ready to get the crane in to lift off the old sail and lift on our new one. read more

  • Working party 5th April

    A lot has happened since I was last able to get over to the windmill. read more

  • Wind damage to marquee

    Storm damage last night… The marquee is a write off!  Now we have no weather protection for the new sails whilst we work on them…

    If you can help in any way, then please contact us. read more

  • Photos of today’s working party (1st Feb 2014)

    read more
  • Next working party: Sat 1st Feb

    Come and see the windmill this Saturday! There’s a working party all day and the windmill will be open to the public between 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:00.

  • Working Party 2nd November 2013

    Some photos of the working party on the first Saturday of December. read more

  • Sunset over the windmill

    Driving home, we spotted the moon over the windmill as the sun was setting.

  • Welcome to the new website

    Very much work in progress–like the mill itself

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